The next big hurdle is finally completing a first sketch of the entire Talent Web. Luckfinder’s Almanac is a classless system where everyone walks the same giant Talent Web. Your seed, what other games may call your race or ancestry, will push you in one direction. But a push is easy to ignore and do your own thing.
The last two months have been focused on building a first bulk of talents, a good idea of what will end up where and how that forms each constellation, each row, each circle. It is what I wanted to solve with this game. How other TTRPG frontload all choices, my goal is that a level 0 character is a blank sheet that matches your chosen seed, so that you can start right away. And have tiny little choices drip-fed to you each level. With 1-3 levels for each session of play being normal. A level is a talent that you spend on the web to take a little step towards the next Notable Talent.

The talent web divided in both 5 elements, and 3 resources, and 76 talent-constellations. The 5 elements: Earth, the element of the stability, unchanging, the body. This is your standard defensive segment.
Water, the element of nurture, sustenance. The support side of the web.
Animus, the element of the soul, of that little spart that grands life and intellect. This segment is the most magical, mage’y.
Fire, the element of change, of creation and destruction. Here you find friendship, crafting. Want an animal companion. That’s here. Or do you want to chuck bombs at the enemy, that’s here too.
And finally air, the element of movement, and connection. Want to be a the rogue or a fighter? Be able to run and fly around?

The road is yours, taking enough Earth, Water and Air for Health. Picking some Fire and Air for stamina. And Animus and Water for the mana you need for Spells.
For now I will need to finish up filling in the web. Next week a new round of playtesting will start. Seeing how the web currently feels for my playtesters.